Research Paper

New Species of Peliosanthes and Rohdea (Asparagaceae) from Eastern Indochina

Leonid V. Averyanov, Noriyuki Tanaka and Sinh Khang Nguyen

Published on: 17 March 2014

Page: 18 - 25

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.18


Two new species - Peliosanthes triandra and Rohdea dracaenoides of Asparagaceae (Convallariaceae s. str.) discovered recently in southern Cambodia and in central Laos are described and illustrated. Both described species are probably local endemics with a restricted distribution. Data for the species reported comprise a standard citation of type specimens, description, name etymology, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, as well as short taxonomic remarks.


本文發現天門冬科兩新種,分別是Peliosanthes triandra和Rohdea dracaenoides,採集地點在柬埔寨南部和寮國中部,兩者都很有可能是分布範圍侷限的特有種。本文提供模式標本、分類描述、命名詞源、生態習性、物候學及地理分布等資訊以供辨認。

Keyword: Indochina, new species, Peliosanthes triandra, plant diversity, plant taxonomy, Rohdea dracaenoides.

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