Research Paper

Collection of S. Yano's Specimens from Taiwan in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)

Alisa E. Grabovskaya-Borodina, Irina D. Illarionova and T. Y. A. Yang

Published on: 16 June 2014

Page: 164 - 189

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.164


Over a thousand plant specimens collected by Japanese naturalist Seikihiro Yano from Taiwan in 1896-1897 are currently stored at the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg (LE). The collection consists of 318 taxa of ferns, conifers and flowering plants. In this paper, a list of specimens collected is provided, including scientific names, localities, dates of collection and collection numbers. Yano's collections played an important part in the early botanical exploration of Taiwan. The information of his collections could be used to develop a view of past flora and vegetation communities at low altitude areas in Taiwan. Furthermore, Yano’s specimens also included the first botanical collections from Lanyu and Ludao, two islets off the southeastern coast of Taiwan Island.


本文是記錄蒐藏於聖彼得堡俄羅斯科學院科馬洛夫植物研究所植物標本館(LE)一批由日籍植物採集者矢野勢吉郎(S. Yano),在1896‒1897年間採自臺灣400餘號共計千餘份植物標本,本批維管束植物標本(蕨類植物、裸子植物及被子植物)經鑑定後計318分類群,除了可提供臺灣早期植物調查資訊外,亦可以略窺該時段城市周遭物種及低海拔植被相,同時也確定蘭嶼、綠島最早之植物採集始自於矢野氏。

Keyword: 1896-1897, Formosa, S. Yano, Taiwan.

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