Research Paper
Present Status of Family Dicranaceae (Bryophyta) in Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Central India
Reesa Gupta, Virendra Nath and A.K. Asthana
Published on: 16 August 2016
Page: 253 - 259
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2016.61.253
The present study outlines the current status of moss family Dicranaceae in Pachmarhi Sanctuary, a part of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. During the taxonomic evaluation of the moss flora of this Reserve, eight taxa of Dicranaceae have been encountered belonging to three genera viz. Campylopus Bridel, Dicranella C. Muell. And Leuculoma Bridel. Among these, Campylopus gracilis (Mitt.) A. Jaeger, Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Bridel, Dicranella leptoneura Dixon and Leucoloma taylorii (Schwaegr.) Mitt., are new additions to the moss flora of central Indian bryogeographical region.
Keyword: Dicranaceae, Moss, Gondwanaland, Pachmarhi Sanctuary, Satpura Range.