Research Paper
A new species of Hoya (Marsdenieae), three new combinations and two new names in Vincetoxicum (Asclepiadeae) from Thailand
Aroonrat Kidyoo and Manit Kidyoo
Published on: 13 February 2018
Page: 25 - 31
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2018.63.25
Hoya phuluangensis Kidyoo, a new species from northeastern Thailand is here described and compared to the similar species, H. rostellata and H. siamica. All three species have glabrous stems and branches, glabrous coriaceous leaves, adaxially puberulent ovate corolla lobes with an acute apex, and flat to slightly erect coronal scales with an obtuse or rounded apex. However, H. phuluangensis differs from the other two species in the following characters: flowers with a shallow cup-shaped corolla tube and a corona diameter measuring less than half of the corolla tube diameter. Full description of H. phuluangensis is provided, together with line drawings and photographs. In addition, three new combinations and two new names in the genus Vincetoxicum, namely V. indicum (Burm.f.) Mabb. var. glabrum (Decne.) A. Kidyoo, V. kerrii (Craib) A. Kidyoo, V. sootepense (Craib) A. Kidyoo, V. lindleyi A. Kidyoo and V. potamophilum A. Kidyoo, are proposed.
Keyword: Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Hill evergreen, Hoya phuluangensis, Thailand, Vincetoxicum
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