Research Paper
A New Species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Western Ghats, India
Ambikabai Raghavanpillai Sivu, Nediyaparambu Sukumaran Pradeep, Alagramam Govindasamy Pandurangan and Matalayi Kokaramath Ratheesh Narayanan
Published on: 02 May 2018
Page: 106 - 110
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2018.63.106
Memecylon travancorense Sivu, N. S. Pradeep, Pandur. & Ratheesh, a new species of Memecylon from Agastyamala Biosphere Reserve of the southern Western Ghats is described herewith illustration and photographs. Its distinctive characters are discussed and comments made on differences between this and its allied taxa. This new species is similar to M. wightii, but clearly distinct by having sub-terete, greyish white branchlets, broadly elliptic to oblong leaves with slightly cordate to rounded leaf base, umbellate inflorescence with quadrangular peduncles and shortly pedicellate flowers. Information on habitat, distribution, and conservation status are provided.
Keyword: India, Kerala, Melastomataceae, Memecylon, New species, Western Ghats
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