Research Paper
Claoxylon (sect. Affinia) dipulvinum (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Moluccas, Indonesia
Adhy Widya Setiawan, Syuhada Asdini, Tatik Chikmawati, Peter C. Van Welzen
Published on: 30 June 2020
Page: 348 - 352
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.348
A new species of Claoxylon from Halmahera, Talaud and Obi Islands is described and photographed. The species shows similarity with C. brachyandrum and C. longifolium, but it differs from C. brachyandrum in having petioles with a double pulvinus, one basally and one apically (pulvini ca. 2 cm long), and it differs from C. longifolium in the number of stamens, being less than 30. The new species can be divided into two varieties, also new to science, differing in the colour of the indumentum, number of staminate flowers per node and number of stamens. An identification key to the varities, a distribution map, and illustrations are provided.
Keyword: Claoxylon, Euphorbiaceae, Halmahera, new species, Obi, swollen pulvinus, varieties
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