Research Paper
Glabrella bogaoi, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern China
Shu-Wan Li, Zhang-Ping Huang, Hai-Ling Chen, Yan Liu
Published on: 11 April 2023
Page: 155 - 160
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2023.68.155
Based on morphological and molecular data, Glabrella bogaoi, a new species from limestone areas in southern China, is described and illustrated here. G. bogaoi is morphologically distinct from the other species of Glabrella by its stems, which can grow up to 5–30 cm, calyx segments that are adpressed to the corolla base, and corolla outside white. It is morphologically most similar to G. mihieri. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of the combined matrix of trnL-F and ITS sequences, including 4 taxa of Glabrella, has been provided. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that G. bogaoi is an independent new species. A table and a key to distinguish the new species from all other Glabrella species are also provided.
Keyword: Glabrella mihieri, Glabrella longipes, Glabrella leiophylla, limestone flora, molecular taxonomy, morphology
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