Caudal papillae arrangement in Tanqua tiara (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae)
Hideo Hasegawa, Kartika Dewi
Published on: 02 June 2023
Page: 265 - 268
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2023.68.265
In order to solve discrepancies among the descriptions of male caudal papillae arrangement in Tanqua tiara (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae), an observation was made using light and scanning electron microscopes. Seven pairs of caudal papillae, of which 5 pairs (I – V) with solid bases and 2 (VI and VII) with vesicular bases, and phasmidial orifices were confirmed. The termini of VI and VII were only weakly expressed on the cuticle and often hardly discernible by SEM. Careful re-examination should be made on T. occlusa, T. gigantica, and T. herpestis, in which the papillae corresponding to VI and VII have not been described.
Keyword: Caudal papillae arrangement, Gnathostomatidae, SEM, Tanqua
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