Research Paper

Paraphlomis youyangensis (Lamiaceae), a new species from southeastern Chongqing, China

Ren-Bo Zhang, Tan Deng, Hong Jiang, Da-Jun Xie, Ruo-Xun Wei, Quan-Li Dou, Zheng-Min Qian, Lin He

Published on: 01 July 2024

Page: 281 - 287

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.281


The newly discovered Paraphlomis youyangensis, native to southeastern Chongqing, China, is introduced to the scientific community. This species exhibits similarities in floral structure to P. kuankuoshuiensis but is distinguishable by several discrete features, such as less pronounced rhizomes (<0.5 vs. 2–4 cm), elongated stolons (present vs. absent), smaller leaf blades (1.8‒5.5 × 1.2–3.1 vs. 10–37 × 3–8 cm), leaf margins (shallowly repand and mucronulate vs. serrulate), and shorter bracteoles (1.2–4 vs. ca. 5 mm). Phylogenetic assessments based on two nuclear genes and three chloroplast genes indicated that P. youyangensis has a closer evolutionary relationship with P. yingdeensis but is differentiated from the latter by long stolons, smaller leaf blades (vs. 6.2–16.5 × 4–11.5 cm), leaf margins (vs. crenate-serrate), and notably shorter bracteoles (vs. 7–8 mm).

Keyword: cpDNA, limestone flora, nrDNA, Paraphlomis jiangyongensis, P. kuankuoshuiensis, P. nana, P. yingdeensis

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