Research Paper

Ecological insights on communal forests in the tropics: The case of Alapang Communal Forest of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines

Marvin P. Pocyoy, Jones T. Napaldet

Published on: 06 August 2024

Page: 321 - 335

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.321


Communal forests are recognized to be of critical importance for the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) but these are often understudied. Such is the case in Cordillera Central Range with its unique biodiversity and urban biodiversity sites requiring protection like the Alapang Communal Forest in Benguet, Northern Philippines. This study documented the floral diversity, carbon stock and the community perspectives as baseline for conservation. A total of 187 plant species belonging to 145 genera and 70 families were recorded with Pinus kesiya as the most dominant species. The forest exhibited high species richness, evenness, and diversity including indigenous, endemic species and some conservation important species. The total forest carbon was estimated at 6,931.44 t with an average of 192.54 t/ha. An interesting trade off was documented in the study with the pine dominated ridge stations having lower diversity but higher carbon stock while broad-leaf dominated depressed stations have higher diversity but lower carbon stock. Community surveys revealed the willingness to protect the forest due to its crucial role as a water source, highlighting its value and the importance of preservation. These findings offer empirical evidences on the role of communal forest on biodiversity conservation, carbon stock as well as forest goods and services. Locally, these findings offer insights for conservation and sustainable management of the Alapang Communal Forest and other local urban forests.

Keyword: carbon stock, community perspective, depressed station, Pinus kesiya, urban communal forest

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