Research Paper

A new dazzling species of Gesneriaceae, Petrocodon paradelphinius, from the limestone area of Guangxi, China

Fang Wen, Wei-Chuen Chou

Published on: 23 October 2024

Page: 491 - 496

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.491


Petrocodon paradelphinius F.Wen & W.C.Chou, a new species of Gesneriaceae from the limestone area of Guangxi, Southwest China, is described and illustrated here. This new species morphologically resembles P. fangianus (Y.G.Wei) J.M.Li & Yin Z.Wang, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having peduncles and pedicels puberulent, corolla outside sparsely puberulent, shorter tube 18–20 mm long, orifice from throat to the interior smooth, without protuberances, and lacks nectar guides. The conservation status of P. paradelphinius can be assessed provisionally as Critically Endangered [CR B2b(ii, v) + C2(a, i)].

Keyword: flora of Guangxi, Limestone flora, Lithophilous, new taxon, Petrocodon fangianus, Taxonomy

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