Research Paper

A Checklist of C3 and C4 Grasses in Taiwan

Chang-Sheng Kuoh, Su-Hwa Tsai Chiang

Published on: June 1991

Page: 159 - 167

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1991.36.159


Nearly half species in the family Gramineae in Taiwan were examined anatomically. The Kranz syndrome based on leaf blade anatomy is characterized by the presence of Kranz sheath, the few number of maximum cells count and short interveinal distance. A preliminary checklist of C3 and C4 grasses in Taiwan was presented and determined by the non-Kranz or Kranz syndrome. Of 109 specied out of 150 species, were recognized as C4 and the others were assigned as C3. Some aspects of the above criteria in related to each subfamily were also described and discussed.


經由解剖鏡檢近半數以上的台灣產禾本科植物。根據葉片解剖所觀察到的顆綠環綜合特徵;包括顆綠環束鞘之存在,具較小的脈間細胞數最大值及較短的脈間距。由此綜合特徵預測台灣產禾草光合作用形式,並初步列出C3及C4 禾草名錄。於檢視的150種中,有109種為C4型,其他41種為C3型。此外,各亞科在顆綠環綜合特徵方面的若干特性也隨文討論。

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