Research Paper

Hidden treasure demystified: Tuber asiaticum sp. nov., a true truffle species from Indian Himalaya

Neha Sharma, Sudeshna Datta, Ashwani Tapwal, Himani Sharma, Pratibha Thakur, Kanad Das

Published on: 12 March 2025

Page: 200 - 206

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2025.70.200


The present study from the state of Himachal Pradesh (India) describes a new species of true truffle: Tuber asiaticum (Tuberaceae, Ascomycota). This is the first report of a Tuber from this country supported by morphological and molecular data. This species was found to grow in a temperate to subalpine coniferous forest in Himalaya. Detailed morphological features, illustrations, micromorphological drawings and molecular phylogenetic estimation are presented for this species.

Keyword: Angiocarpic fungus, molecular phylogeny, nrITS, Pinaceae, tef 1-α, Tuber mohedanoi, Tuber zambonelliae

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