Research Paper

Morphology on Stipules and Leaves of the Mangrove Genus Kandelia (Rhizophoraceae)

Chiou-Rong Sheue, Ho-Yih Liu and Yuen-Po Yang

Published on: December 2003

Page: 248 - 258

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2003.48(4).248


The morphology of stipules and leaves of Kandelia candel (L.) Druce and K. obovata Sheue, Liu & Yong were studied and compared. The discrepancies of anatomical features, including stomata location, stomata type, cuticular ridges of stomata, cork warts and leaf structures, among previous literatures are clarified. Stipules have abaxial collenchyma but without sclereid ideoblast. Colleters, finger-like rod with a stalk, aggregate into a triangular shape inside the base of the stipule. Cork warts may sporadically appear on both leaf surfaces. In addition, obvolute vernation of leaves, the pattern of leaf scar and the difference of vein angles of these two species are reported.


本研究針對水筆仔屬(Kandelia) 的印度水筆仔(K. candel) 和水筆仔(K. obovata) 之托葉及葉部形態和構造進行觀察及比較。本文釐清了前人研究結果中若干解剖特徵的分歧與矛盾處,包括氣孔分布、氣孔型、氣孔角質層突起、木痊疣和葉片結構。本屬的指狀腺體(colleter) 具一小柄,於托葉向軸面基部聚集成三角形,托葉具遠軸面加厚,且無厚壁異形細胞。木痊疣偶爾零星地散布於葉上、下表面。水筆仔屬跨褶式(obvolute)的幼葉捲疊型(vernation)、葉跡的形式和側脈夾角於兩種間的差異也被報導。

Keyword: Kandelia candel, Kandelia obovata, Leaf, Stipule, Morphology

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