Research Paper

Myxomycetes of Taiwan VII: Three new records of Physarum

Chin-Hui Liu and Chao-Hsuan Chung

Published on: December 1993

Page: 91 - 98

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1993.38.91


Abstract: Fruiting bodies of three physaraceous Myxomycetes were found among others abundantly growing on a pile of decaying fallen leaves in spring and summer, 1993 at a corner of NTU campus. They all are plasmodiocarpous in form, have distinctly double peridium, smooth outer surface of outer peridium , and dense capillilium consisting of large rounded lime nodes and short hyaline threads. Yet they can be separated from each other by the colour of outer peridium and spore makings. Physarum aeneum R.E Fries and P.bogoriense Racib. are similar in spores but easily recognized by the colour of outer peridium. Physarum aeneum has beige to bronze outer peridium, while P. bogoriense is paler, browbish grey. P.echinosporum A. Lister is distinct by the white, eggshell-like outer peridium and the longly echinulate spores. In this paper, the plasmodium of P.echinosporum, white in color, is reported for the first time. All of the above three species of palsmodiocarpous Physarum are new to Taiwan. Specimens collected are deposited in the Mycology Herbarium of the Botany Department, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.


民國82年春夏時節,在台大校園之一角的枯葉堆裡,分別發現三種絨泡黏菌屬(Phyasrum),數量頗多。這三種黏菌都具有原質果型的子實體,明顯分離的兩層周皮,表面平滑之外周皮,以及由大而肥胖的石灰結合短而透明的絲線索形成之細毛體。然而由子實體外表的顏色以及孢子表面特徵,仍可將其區分。Physarum aeneum R.E Fries和P.bogoriense Racib.的孢子特性相似,但由外周皮之色澤可辨認出來。P. aeneum 之外周皮是灰褐至古銅色,而P. bogoriense 之外周皮顏色較淡,成灰褐色。P. echinosporum A. Lister非常特出,具有白色,如蛋殼之外周皮,其孢子表面之刺狀突起很長,而原生質體之顏色首次發現是白色的。 以上三種原質果型的絨泡菌屬黏菌皆為台灣新紀錄種。所採收支標本都放至於台灣植物系菌種標本室。

Keyword: Myxomycetes, Phyasrum, Taiwan

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