Research Paper
The flora of Taipingtao (Aba Itu island)
Tseng-Chieng Huang, Shing-Fan Huang and Kao-Cheng Yang
Published on: June 1994
Page: 1 - 26
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1994.39.1
A Botanical inventory at Taipingtao of South China Sea was carried out the first time during April 19 to 23, 1994. One hundred and ten species are recorded. Eighty one out of 109 species are considered as native vascular plants. Most of them are tropical strand plants which from the coastal forest from the island. Nine species, i.e. Ochrosia oppositifolia, Acalypha boehmerioides, Caesalpinia major, Triumfetta procumbens, Pipturus argenteus, Cayratia trifolia, Digitaria setigera var. calliblepharata, Stenotaphrum micranthum and Pandanus tectorius, were not recorded previously in the Flora of Taiwan.
本文係國內外植物界首次報導太平島植物相。太平島屬於南沙群島中之最大島,面積約0.46平方公里,位於菲律賓,婆羅洲,及中南半島之間。全島之植被以熱帶海岸林為主,高大而鬱閉,主要組成種類有蓮葉桐(Hernandia sonora),欖仁樹(Terminalia catappa),海檸檬(Ochrosia oppositifolia),檄樹(Morinda citrifolia),草海桐(Goodenia sericea)及白水木(Messershmidia argentea)等。本島共有109種維管束植物及一種菌菇,其中82種認為是原生植物,屬熱帶成分,大部分靠洋流移入本島。本島共有9種維管束植物不見於台灣本島及附近小島,包括海檸檬,苧麻葉鐵莧(Acalypha boehmerioides),蓮實藤(Caesalpinia major),匍匐垂桉草(Triumfetta procumbens),銀背落尾麻(Pipturus argenteus),三葉烏斂梅(Cayratia trifolia),毛短穎馬唐(Digitaria setigera var. calliblepharata),窄溝草(Stenotaphrum micranthum),林投(Pandanus tectorius)等。本島植被景況頗類似民國43年前之蘭嶼,本島可成為自然海洋島嶼國家公園之極佳場所。感謝行政院農委會漁業處之經費及交通支援,而得以完成本文。
Keyword: Flora, Taipingtao.