Research Paper
Notes on the flora of Taiwan(18)—Tribulus L. (Zygophyllaceae)
Tseng-Chieng Huang and Tsung-Hsin Hsieh
Published on: June 1994
Page: 61 - 71
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1994.39.61
After close studies of literature and type photos of Tribulus cistoides, externalflora- and pollen- morphology and chromosome counts of Taiwan materials available in TAI-herbarium, We propose a new species, T. taiwanense Huang & Hsieh sp. nov. in this paper. Keywords: Tribulus cistoides, T. taiwanense, Taxonomy.
根據文獻和模式標本微縮影本任文台灣本島並沒有大花蒺藜(Tribulus cistoides L.),而東沙島則有該種的分布。本文從外部形態、花部形態和花粉來比較大花蒺藜和省產2種蒺藜,確認為3個不同的分類群,分別為大花蒺藜、蒺藜(T. terrestris L.)歐喔L和臺灣蒺藜(T. taiwanense Huang & Hsieh)。本文並報導染色體數目,蒺藜2n=36,而台灣蒺藜2n=24。