Research Paper
Shoot Regeneration from Hypocotyl and Shoot Tip Explants of Sterculia foetida L. Derived from Seedlings
S. Anitha and T. Pullaiah
Published on: March 2002
Page: 62 - 69
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2002.47(1).62
Hypocotyl and shoot tip explants derived from the seedlings of Sterculia foetida were placed on MS medium supplemented with various cytokinin and auxin combinations. Cytokinin-like N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), kinetin (KN), thidiazuron (TDZ) and auxin-like indole acetic acid (IAA), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole butyric acid (IBA) were supplemented either individually or in combinations. The regenerated shoots were separated and placed on the rooting medium augmented with different auxin-like IAA, IBA and NAA (0.1-2 mgL-1). IAA (2 mgL-1) induced 3-4 roots from the cut end of the micro shoots. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized to field conditions by placing them in pots containing sterilized sand, soil and manure mixture (1:1:1) and subsequently transferred to field with 40% survival.
從梧桐幼苗獲得幼莖及頂芽的培植體,培養於含有不同濃度的細胞分裂素及生長素的MS培養基中。所用的細胞分裂素有BAP、KCN及TDZ,生長素則有INN、NAA及IBA。培養基中有些同時含有細胞分裂素及生長素,惟有些培養基中僅含有細胞分裂素或生長素。再生的莖則培養於長根的培養基中,其中含有不同種類及濃度的生長素,如IAA、IBA、NAA (0.1 ~ 2 mg/L)及IAA (2 mg/L)。等莖長出3 ~ 4根後,則培植於盆中,盆中的混合土含有砂、土壤及腐植質(比例為1:1:1)。然後把盆栽小植物放置於室外,使小植物能夠適應室外的生長環境,惟其存活率只有40%。
Keyword: In vitro propagation, Hypocotyl, Shoot tip explants, Sterculia foetida.