Research Paper
Myxomycetes of Taiwan XV. Three New Records
Chin-Hui Liu, Jong-How Chang, Ya-Fen Chen and Fu-Hung Yang
Published on: September 2002
Page: 179 - 185
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2002.47(3).179
Three new records of Myxomycetes from Taiwan are described and illustrated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. descendens is characterized by the unbranched, cylindrical forms of sporophores, the pillars. Licea retiformis is the only species in Licea with reticulate plasmodiocarpous fructifications. Trichia munda is distinct by the areolate peridium, of which the yellowish inner layer appearing as narrow bands that divide the outer layer into large reticulations. Fruiting bodies of these three taxa were either collected from fields or harvested from moist-chamber cultures.
本文描述台灣真黏菌的三個新紀錄種,並以光學及電子顯微鏡圖片圖示。鵝絨黏菌單枝變種(Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. descendens)的特徵是其具有不分枝的圓柱型孢子體。網形無絲黏菌(Licea retiformis)其子實體是無絲黏菌屬中,唯一呈網狀原生質果型的種類。工緻團毛黏菌(Trichia munda)的區別在於龜裂狀的周膜,此乃是由內周膜顯露出的黃色窄條紋,將外周膜分隔成大網格狀所形成。所鑑定的子實體是由野外直接採集或濕室培養所獲得。
Keyword: Ceratiomyxa, Licea, Trichia, Myxomycetes, Slime molds, Taiwan.