Research Paper
Physarum taiwanianum sp. nov.
Chao-Hsuan Chung and Chin-Hui Liu
Published on: June 1996
Page: 91 - 95
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1996.41.91
Physarum taiwanianum Chung & Liu sp. nov. found from northern seashore of Taiwan is described and illustrated. It is characterized by white, ovoid sporangia occurring on dead grass leaves, an orange calcareous stalk, irregular dehiscence, and spinulose spores, 7-7.5 mm in diam.
本文報導在臺灣北海岸的枯草葉上發現一絨泡黏菌屬之新種 Physarum taiwanianum Chung & Liu sp. nov.。其主要的特徵為不規則開裂的白色卵形孢子囊、橘色有鈣質的柄、以及有小刺的孢子。 關鍵詞:絨泡黏菌目,新種,黏菌,臺北,臺灣,臺灣絨泡黏菌。
Keyword: Myxomycetes, New species, Physarales, Physarum taiwanianum, Taipei, Taiwan