Research Paper
Agrostis dimorpholemma (Gramineae), a New Record from Southern Taiwan and It’s Morphological Variation
Chang-Sheng Kuoh
Published on: June 2003
Page: 94 - 98
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2003.48(2).94
A new record of grass, Agrostis dimorpholemma Ohwi from Taiwan is described and illustrated. This species is presently known and only found at Hsin-I Hsiang, on roadside of Provincial road No. 18 near Yu-shan National Park, between 2,200-2,500 m alt. Meanwhile, the possible hybrid origin of the plants is also discussed.
本文發表一種台灣特產之禾本科新紀錄植物, 多形剪股穎(Agrostis dimorpholemma),並提供該植物描述、繪圖及分布圖以資辨識。多形剪股穎目前僅知分布於鄰近玉山國家公園,海拔約2,200 至2,500 公尺之信義鄉18 號省道,生長於多霧之林下路旁。此外,另就此物種可能為雜交種加以探討。
Keyword: Agrostis dimorpholemma, Gramineae, Hybrid, New record, Poaceae, Taiwan