Research Paper

Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (26)-Neptunia gracilis Benth. (Leguminosae)

Shing-Fan Huang and Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: December 1996

Page: 265 - 269

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1996.41.265


Specimens of Neptunia gracilis Benth. was collected from Taiwan for the first time on open grassland near coral reef at the southern tip of Taiwan. A description and a line drawing are presented. Its pollen features are also provided. They are monadiform, 3-colporate with striate ornamentation, which are consistent within the genus Neptunia.


細枝水合歡 (Neptunia gracilis Benth.) 分布於澳洲及菲律賓,首次在台灣鵝鑾鼻一帶珊瑚礁海岸之草地採到。本文提供植物圖以利辨識,並提供花粉形態,供為本種之基本資料。本種為台灣之新紀錄屬及新紀錄種。

Keyword: Leguminosae, Neptunia gracilis, Morphology, Pollen feature, Taiwan

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