Research Paper
Gastrodia shimizuana, a Newly Recorded of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan
Shih-Wen Chung and Tien-Chuan Hsu
Published on: March 2006
Page: 50 - 52
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2006.51(1).50
A newly recorded species, Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama, in Taiwan is described and illustrated. This species is apparently rare and was previously known in only few localities in Iriomote Island, the Ryukyu Islands. We recently found it in the mountains at Beixinzhuang at elevations from 300 to 350 meters in northern Taipei, Taiwan. Although the flower of G. shimizuana is somewhat structurally similar to that of G. pubilabiata, they are evidently different from each other in floral dimensions, petals and lip shapes, floral color and flowering seasons.
本文發表一種臺灣蘭科新記錄植物-清水氏赤箭 (Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama),並提供植物繪圖及照片以資辨識。它是非常稀有的植物,以往僅發現於琉球西表島的少數地方,我們最近在臺灣北部的北新庄地區,海拔約三百至三百五十公尺的地方發現它的植株。雖然它的花部構造略似臺灣原產的冬赤箭(G. pubilabiata),但藉花部的尺寸大小、花瓣和唇瓣的形狀、花色及花期等特徵,明顯可與冬赤箭區別。
Keyword: Gastrodia shimizuana, Orchidaceae, New record, Taiwan, Rare species.清水氏赤箭、蘭科、新記錄、臺灣、稀有植物。