Research Paper

Note on a New Host of Ichthyoxenus fushanensis: An Endemic Species of Freshwater Fish, Candidia barbatus, in Taiwan

Yuan-Mou Chang, Yao-Sung Lin and Ling-Chuan Chuang

Published on: March 2006

Page: 68 - 70

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2006.51(1).68


A new parasitic relationship between Ichthyoxenus fushanensis, an isopod parasite, and its host, Candidia barbatus, collected from a mountain stream, Hapen Creek, in northern Taiwan, is described. A host fish was easily identified by the presence of an external orifice at the base of the right pectoral fin. A pair of I. fushanensis were found in the body cavity of the host. Therefore, the present finding suggests that the infestation of I. fushanensis is likely no longer specific to Varicorhinus barbatulus.


本文報導福山魚怪(Ichthyoxenus fushanensis)與其新記錄宿主臺灣馬口魚(Candidia barbatus)之間的寄生狀況,而本報告中所採集到的此尾臺灣馬口魚取自位於臺灣北部山區的哈盆溪。由位於右側胸鰭基部的孔洞可以判斷此尾臺灣馬口魚已被魚怪寄生,同時在該尾魚的體腔中也發現一對福山魚怪。根據本紀錄推知,臺灣鏟頜魚可能已不再是福山魚怪唯一的宿主。

Keyword: Ichthyoxenus fushanensis, Isopod parasite, Candidia barbatus, Taiwan 福山魚怪、等腳類寄生蟲、臺灣馬口魚、臺灣。

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