Research Paper

Erythrodes triantherae C. L. Yeh et C. S. Leou (Orchidaceae), a New Species Bearing 1-3 Anthers

Ching-Long Yeh, Chong-Sheng Leou and Chuan-Rong Yeh

Published on: December 2006

Page: 266 - 272

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2006.51(4).266


A new species of Erythrodes Blume (Orchidaceae), E. triantherae C. L. Yeh et C. S. Leou, from Lanyu of Taiwan is described and illustrated. It is characterized by the column which is adorned with 1-3 anthers, I.e. additional 2 or 1 stamens often present on the ventral side of column and in the lip which is much shorter (4.5-5.5 mm long) and only saccate at base, not long spurred. Results of a preliminary observation on the variation of anther number, and on the development of fruits have also been noted. We also provide a new key to the species of Erythrodes in Taiwan.


本文記述產自臺灣蘭嶼之新種蘭科植物「三藥細筆蘭」之學名、形態特徵、產地、 花期及標本等資料。本種之主要特徵為花之蕊柱具有1~3 枚花藥,即有1 或2 枚雄蕊常 在蕊柱腹面出現,唇瓣較小,長4.5~5.5 mm,基部囊狀而無長距。對於本種之花藥數 目之變異情形及對於果實發育之初步觀察結果亦加以註記。並提供臺灣Erythrodes 屬之 新檢索表。

Keyword: Orchidaceae, Erythrodes triantherae, Morphology, Taxanomy, Pollination, Taiwan.

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