Research Paper
The Recent Vegetation of Nan Jen Shan
Tseng-Chieng Huang and Chih-Lin Huang
Published on: March 1983
Page: 1 - 18
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1983.28.1
The recent vegetation of Nan Jen Shan has been studied by pollen analysis of surface deposits. Through comparison of present vegetation with pollen spectra, the recent vegetation of Nan Jen Shan was composed chiefly of Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Illiciaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Magnoliaceae, and Theaceae, almost identical to the present ones. The pollen spectra did not reflect the present dominant species well. Generally speaking, they were under-represented, except most taxa of Fagaceae and Magnoliaceae showed over-represented. The vegetation formula can be expressed with the correction factor method (R-value) as: V=Ca+Cy/2.13+Sy/0.41+Ill/0.04+Da/0.11+Pa/0.23+Li/15.44+Sch/0.81+Ma/2.27+Xpe(0.18Ca)+XSc(0.15Ca). Aglaomorpha and Davallia, the epiphytic ferns, were almost disappeared in the present vegetation, but abundantly appeared in the spore spectra, thus a close canopy of recent vegetation could be inferred. Dicranopteris and Diplazium, especially D. donianum, the heliophytic and sciophytic ferns, their percentage in the spore spectra could be used as an indicator of open vs. close, or dry vs. humid vegetation of this area.
南仁山之近代植被相已由地表孢粉分析做更深入的研究。經花粉圖譜與現生植物植被相相比較以後,南仁山之近代植被相主要由穀斗科、樟科、桃金孃科、八角茴香科、虎皮楠科、木蘭科及茶科等所組成,其成分與現生植被相大約一致。花粉圖譜並未正確地反應出現生優勢種之相對量。一般來說,除了大部分的穀斗科和木蘭科過多出現外,現生優勢種係以過低出現。南仁山植被相可藉較正值方法(R-值)表示如下公式: V=Ca+Cy/2.13+Sy/0.41+Ill/0.04+Da/0.11+Pa/0.23+Li/15.44+Sch/0.81+Ma/2.27+Xpe(0.18Ca)+XSc(0.15Ca). 連珠蕨及骨碎補兩屬附生蕨類殆消失於現生植被相中,卻以大量的孢子出現於孢粉圖譜中,如此可推測近代植被相為鬱閉的森林。芒萁屬及雙蓋蕨屬,尤其是細柄雙蓋蕨,前者為陽性蕨類植物,後者是陰性蕨類植物,它們在孢子圖譜中之百分比,可做為本區是否開放與鬱閉,乾燥與潮濕的指標植物。