Research Paper
Two-Year Invastigation of the Airborne Pollen at Nankang, Taipei (Taiwan)
Su-Hwa Chen, Ming-Chih Chien
Published on: March 1986
Page: 33 - 40
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1986.31.33
Airborne pollen grains and fern spores collected at Nankang in 1983 and 1984 were counted and identified. Pollen calendars of both years showing the succession of pollen and fern spore species were prepared and compared. Comparing with 1984, an advance in the pollen season was revealed in 1983. This was probably due to the warmer weather in 1983. Most of the pollen species collected in 1984 were the same as those in 1983, although there were small differences in the quantities present.
連續兩年 (1983及1984) 在南港收集空中孢粉,並加以鑑定及計數。由孢粉曆上比較這兩年出現的量及種類,發現大部分的種類相似,而在量上則有些許差異。另一方面,大部分種類的風媒花植物其開花期在1983年比1984年提早,此可能是由於1983年的氣溫比1984年稍高而導致的結果。