Research Paper
Embryonic and Larval Development of the Striped Snakehead Channa striatus
K. Marimuthu and M. A. Haniffa
Published on: March 2007
Page: 84 - 92
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(1).84
The present study elucidated the embryonic and larval development of snakehead Channa striatus from fertilization until metamorphosis. The snakehead was successfully bred in the laboratory by injecting ovaprim, a synthetic hormone (0.5 mL/kg body weight). Spawning took place 24-26 hrs after the hormone injection. The fertilized eggs were floating, non-adhesive and straw yellow in color. The average diameter of fertilized eggs ranged from 1.20-1.40 mm. Incubation periods was about 23-24 hr at a temperature of 29 ± 1°C. The percentage of hatching varied from 80-85. The newly hatched larva was 3.4 ± 0.2 mm in length. The yolk absorption was completed within three days after hatching. The larvae metamorphosed into juveniles within 20 days after hatching.
這研究在闡述紋鱧 (Channa striatus) 從受精卵到變態成稚魚的胚胎與仔魚發育過程。紋鱧在注射合成激素ovaprim 後 (體重每公斤注射0.5 mL) 即養在實驗室中,在注射激素後24-26 小時會開始產卵,受精卵成淡黃色,是浮性卵且不附著,平均直徑1.20-1.40mm。培養在溫度攝氏29 ± 1℃中,受精卵在23-24 小時後孵化,平均孵化率80-85%,剛孵化的仔魚3.4 ± 0.2 mm 長,卵黃在孵化後三天完全吸收掉。孵化後20 天內,仔魚會變態成稚魚。
Keyword: Channa striatus, early embryonic, larval development, metamorphosis, 紋鱧, 早期胚胎, 仔魚發育, 變態