Research Paper

A New Species of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) from Northern Thailand

Arunrat Chaveerach, Piya Mokkamul, Runglawan Sudmoon and Tawatchai Tanee

Published on: June 2007

Page: 159 - 163

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(2).159


A new species of the genus Zingiber Miller (Zingiberaceae), Zingiber phumiangense A. Chaveerach & P. Mokkamul from Phu Miang, Uttaradit Province in the northern Thailand, is described and illustrated. It’s closely related to Z. neotruncatum Wu, Larsen & Turland, but differs in several characters. The important different characters are leaf blades elliptic-oblong, bracts green with margin usually translucent and ciliate, calyx tube apex trilobed, anther basifixed, ovary glabrous.


本文報導採自泰國北部烏達臘迪省(Uttaradit)普邁(Phu Miang)地區的一種薑科薑屬新的植物:普邁薑(Zingiber phumiangense A. Chaveerach & P. Mokkamul),本種以葉片橢圓-長橢圓形、苞片綠色且具半透明及纖毛的邊緣、萼片筒先端三裂、花藥基部癒合及子房光滑無毛等特徵可和其相近種Z. neotruncatum Wu, Larsen & Turland 區別。文中包括分類描述及繪圖。

Keyword: Zingiber, Zingiberaceae, new species, Thailand, Uttaradit, 薑, 薑科, 新種, 泰國, 烏達臘迪省

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