Research Paper
The boletes of Taiwan (II)
Kai-Wun Yeh, Zuei-Ching Chen
Published on: March 1981
Page: 100 - 115
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1981.26.100
The following 13 species of Boletes fungi collected from Yu-Shan (Mt. Morrison, Alt. 3,980 m) region in the central highland of Taiwan are described: Boletinus spectabilis (Pk.) Murr., Boletus calopus Fr., B. edulis Fr., B. erythropus (Fr.) Krombh. B. reticulatus Schaeff. ex Boud., B. subvelutipes Peck. Leccinum griseum (Quel.) Singer, L. insigne Smith, Thiers & Watling, Suillus americanus (Pk.) Snell ex Slipp & Snell, S. granulatus (Fr.) Kuntze, S. luteus (L. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray, Tylopilus fellus (Fr.) Karsten and Xerocomus badius (Fr.) Kuhner ex Gilbert. Leccinum rugosiceps (Pk.) Singer previousely reported from the central part of Taiwan was also collected from this area.