Research Paper

Two New Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) Species in Taiwan: B. brevipedunculatum and B. ciliisepalum

Tian-Chuan Hsu and Shih-Wen Chung

Published on: March 2008

Page: 23 - 29

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2008.53(1).23


Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) is the largest orchid genus in Taiwan. It is taxonomically problematic due to difficulty of field collection and morphological similarities between some species. In this study, we recognized two new Bulbophyllum species, B. brevipedunculatum and B. ciliisepalum, from eastern and central Taiwan. Descriptions, illustrations, and comparisons among related species were also presented.


豆蘭是臺灣蘭科植物中種類最多的一屬。其採集上的不便與部分種類間相近的型態往往造成分類研究的困難。本研究中我們確認於臺灣東部與中部發現的豆蘭屬(蘭科)兩新種:短梗豆蘭Bulbophyllum brevipedunculatum 與毛緣萼豆蘭B. ciliisepalum,並提供敘述、圖片,以及近似種間的比較。

Keyword: New species, Bulbophyllum brevipedunculatum, Bulbophyllum ciliisepalum, Orchidaceae, Taiwan. 新種、短梗豆蘭、毛緣萼豆蘭、蘭科、臺灣。

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