Research Paper
A Summary of the Status of Threatened Pteridophytes of India
Subhash Chandra, C. R. Fraser-Jenkins, Alka Kumari and Archana Srivastava
Published on: June 2008
Page: 170 - 209
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2008.53(2).170
An assessment of rare and threatened Pteridophytes of political India, classifying species into different categories, has been made based on our own field-observations, data from herbarium-collections, and published literature. Their general range in political India has been given, though only limited details of extra-Indian range are provided. Modern taxonomic concepts and nomenclature have been adopted. Our survey has revealed that 414 species of Pteridophytes (219 At risk, of which 160 Critically endangered, 82 Near-threatened and 113 Rare), constituting c. 41-43 % of the total number of c. 950-1000 Pteridophytes of political India, are threatened or rare there. 84 species included in earlier works are excluded as they are not considered to be of threatened status. One new combination and two nomina nova have been validated (Leptochilus pothifolius (D.Don) Fras.-Jenk., Asplenium rivulare Fras.-Jenk. and Thelypteris chandrae Fras.-Jenk.).
作者根據田野調查的結果,以及參考現有標本館藏標本、出版文獻的資料,評估印度境內生存受威脅的稀有蕨類植物,將其歸類於不同的稀有程度等級。本研究提供這些稀有物種在印度的分布資料,除此之外,也提供部份的印度境外分布資料。作者採用現代分類學的概念及命名法則。本研究顯示分布於印度境內950-1000 種蕨類植物中,有414 種正受到生存威脅或是極為稀有(219 種瀕危,包括160 種嚴重瀕臨滅絕;82 種接近受威脅,113 種稀有),約占印度蕨類總數的41-43%。84 種過去被認為稀有的種類,在此評估排除在面臨威脅名單之外。本研究報告提出一萊蕨屬新組合,以及鐵角蕨屬、金星蕨屬的新替代名稱,並將其合法化(Leptochilus pothifolius (D.Don) Fras.-Jenk., Asplenium rivulare Fras.-Jenk. and Thelypteris chandrae Fras.-Jenk.)。
Keyword: Pteridophytes, ferns, India, threatened, At risk, rare, taxonomy, endemics, new names. 蕨類植物、蕨類、印度、受威脅、瀕危、稀有、分類學、特有種、新名稱。