Materials to the Bryophyte Flora of Taiwan (I) - Cephaloziella microphylla (Steph.) Douin (Cephaloziellaceae)
Shing-Fan Huang, Shan-Hsiung Lin
Published on: March 2009
Page: 97 - 99
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(1).97
Cephaloziella microphylla (Steph.) Douin is reported in Taiwan for the first time. Taxonomic description, a key to all recorded species of the family Cephaloziellaceae in Taiwan and SEM photos of the Cephaloziella microphylla are provided to assist in identification.
本文首次報導小葉擬大萼蘚(Cephaloziella microphylla (Steph.) Douin)存在於臺灣。文中附有該種的分類描述,區別本種在臺灣該科植物的檢索表及掃描式電子顯微相片作為鑑定之參考.
Keyword: Cephaloziella microphylla, Cephaloziellaceae, liverwort, new record, Taiwan. 小葉擬大萼蘚、擬大萼蘚科、蘚、新紀錄、臺灣。