Research Paper

A Newly Recorded Pediastrum Species in Taiwan

Jiunn-Tzong Wu and Chyong-Ere Hsieh

Published on: June 1995

Page: 121 - 126

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1995.40.121


A new record of Pediastrum, P. asymmetricum Yamagishi et Hegewald, is reported in Taiwan. It is characterized by its asymmetric marginal cells and global cell wall ornaments, features which other Pediastrum species do not share in common. It was found in five water reservoirs situated in the north and southwest of Taiwan, coexistant with P. simplex Meyen. The results of water quality analysis point out that this species grows in eutrophic or mesotrophic waters. The physicochemical environment in which it occurs is discussed in the present paper.


在台灣中西部五個水庫中被發現有一種盤星藻,與單角盤星藻一起出現,但形態上與其有異,經鑑定係與新近才在日本一池塘發現而被命名的新種 (Pediastrum asymmetricum Yamagishi et Hegewald) 相似。此種盤星藻為台灣之新記錄,本文對其形態及所出現水域水質作分析,發現此種生長於優養化之水庫中,本文並對其生長環境作探討。

Keyword: Distribution, morphology, new record, Pediastrum asymmetricum, Taiwan. 盤星藻,新記錄,地理分佈,形態,台灣。

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