Research Paper

A New Species of Tropidia (Orchidaceae) from Southern Taiwan

Ching-Long Yeh, Chong-Sheng Leou, Chuan-Rong Yeh

Published on: June 2009

Page: 140 - 144

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(2).140


A new species of Tropidia Lindl. (Orchidaceae), T. angustifolia C. L. Yeh et C. S. Leou, from Mt. Lilung, southern Taiwan is described and illustrated. The main difference between this species and another similar species, T. nipponica, is that T. angustifolia is characterized by its linear-lanceolate leaves with acuminate apex and acute base, and bigger sub-saccate lips. We also provide a new key to the species of Tropidia in Taiwan.


本文記述產自臺灣南部屏東里龍山之新種蘭科植物「狹葉摺唇蘭 (T. angustifolia)」之學名、形態特徵、產地、花期及標本等資料。本種與相似種日本摺唇蘭 (T. nipponica) 之主要差別,為本種之葉片為線狀-披針型、尖端具有尾尖、基部漸狹,另外則為本種具有較日本摺唇蘭大、基部呈半囊狀的唇瓣。本研究並提供臺灣Troppidia 屬之新檢索表。

Keyword: Orchidaceae, Tropidia angustifolia, taxonomy, Taiwan. 蘭科、狹葉摺唇蘭、分類學、臺灣。