Research Paper

Aeropalynological Study in Taipei County (Tan-Shui), 1993

Mei Peng and Su-Hwa Chen

Published on: June 1997

Page: 117 - 134

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1997.42.117


An aeropalynological study was performed in the Tan-Shui area of Taipei County during 1993. A total of 128 taxa belonging to 77 families were identified. The dominant pollen were of genera Broussonetia (73.7%), Trema (7.4%), Boehmeria (2.8%), and Ardisia (2.4%). There were two major pollen seasons: March to May and August to October. The major pollen types changed with seasons: tree pollen in spring, fern spores with some weed pollen in summer and weed pollen in autumn. The majority of collected pollen were of anemophilous species. There existed a diurnal variation in the amount of airborne pollen within a day: with the highest peak occurring in the morning. On the basis of the present study, a pollen calendar was provided for the Tan-Shui area.


本實驗以英製孢粉收集器 (Burkard seven-day volumetric recording trap)收集淡水地區 1993 年全年的空中孢粉,經由光學顯微鏡下鑑定和計數的結果發現,本地空中孢粉主要來源以風媒種類為主,只有少數來自蟲媒花。全年所有出現的孢粉種類中,裸子植物佔 4 科 5 屬,被子植物有 57 科 88 屬,而蕨類植物佔 16 科 20 屬。就數量而言,構樹屬 (Broussonetia)花粉出現量佔全年總量的 73.7 % ,為第一優勢花粉種類;次為山黃麻屬 (Trema),佔 7.4 % ;再次為苧麻屬 (Boehmeria)和紫金牛屬 (Ardisia),分別佔 2.8 %和 2.4 %。 由逐日孢粉量分析反應出全年有二個明顯的主要花季 : 一為三月至五月 (春季),為最重要的開花季節,豐富的孢粉量由各樹種花粉構成;另一為八月下旬至十月初 (約在秋季),為時較短,主要由各草本花粉和蕨類孢子組成,其孢粉種類和孢粉數量,均無法與春季之孢粉量相提並論。 由一日 24小時孢粉量逐時變化趨勢 ( Diurnal variation ) 分析發現,有 63 % 以上的種類,在上午達到當日出現量的高峰,顯示多數種類之花藥是受到白日溫度升高、相對濕度降低的氣象因子影響而開裂,並釋出花粉。構樹屬花粉在三月出現量高的數天內,在夜間另有高峰之出現量,根據氣象資料研判,此可能與夜間逆溫層之出現有關。 由孢粉曆之建立,配合一日間孢粉最高量之出現時段,可提供淡水地區花粉過敏症研究之基本資料,以期發現可能導致過敏之孢粉種類。 關鍵詞:空中花粉,逐時變化,氣象因子,孢粉曆。

Keyword: Airborne pollen, Diurnal variation, Meteorological factor, Pollen calendar.

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