
Supplements to the Orchid Flora of Taiwan (II): A Newly Recorded Species Goodyera bomiensis K. Y. Lang

Shih-Wen Chung, Tian-Chuan Hsu

Published on: June 2009

Page: 175 - 178

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(2).175


Goodyera bomiensis K. Y. Lang, a new record of Goodyera (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan, is eported. This species is similar to G. repens but differs in leave and floral characters. The features of G. omiensis are described and illustrated. The somatic chromosome number, 2n=30, is reported for the first time.


本文報導臺灣蘭科斑葉蘭屬一新紀錄種波密斑葉蘭 (Goodyera bomiensis),除描述其型態特徵,並首次報導其染色體數為2n = 30。本種近似匍莖斑葉蘭 (G. repens) 但可藉由葉片與花部特徵區辨。

Keyword: Orchidaceae, Goodyera bomiensis, new record, Taiwan, Taxonomy. 蘭科、波密斑葉蘭、新紀錄、分類、臺灣。