Research Paper

Notes on the Orchid Flora of Thailand (I)

Henrik Æ. Pedersen, Paul Ormerod

Published on: September 2009

Page: 213 - 218

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(3).213


Ongoing studies in connection with the preparation of the orchid account for Flora of Thailand, have led to a variety of new taxonomic and floristic findings that are reported in this paper. One new species, Hetaeria armata, is described, the first known find of a natural hybrid in the genus Sirindhornia is reported, and the new combination Odontochilus uniflorus is proposed. Odontochilus macranthus, Cheirostylis moniliformis, and Dendrobium lankaviense are newly recorded for the flora of Thailand, and evidence is provided that confirms the previously proposed occurrence of Zeuxine violascens and Cymbidium tigrinum in this country.


目前籌備中的泰國植物誌,有關蘭科部份的整理,在研究中發現一些新的分類群,報導於本篇文章內。包括Hetaeria armata 為新種,並紀錄一新的Sirindhornia 之天然雜交種,另有Odontochilus uniflorus 則為新組合名。新紀錄種有Odontochilus macranthus, Cheirostylis moniliformis 以及Dendrobium lankaviense。本文亦確認先前報導之Zeuxine violascens 與Cymbidium tigrinum 為泰國原種。

Keyword: Cheirostylis moniliformis, Cymbidium tigrinum, Dendrobium lankaviense, Hetaeria armata, Odontochilus uniflorus, Odontochilus macranthus, Orchidaceae, Sirindhornia mirabilis × monophylla, Zeuxine viola

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