
Pseudoconyza Cuatrec. (Asteraceae), a Newly Recorded Genus for the Flora of Taiwan

Ming-Jer Jung, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Shih-Wen Chung

Published on: September 2009

Page: 261 - 265

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(3).261


Pseudoconyza viscosa (Mill.) D’Arcy (Asteraceae) was recently found in lowlands of southern Taiwan. This represents a new record not only for this species but also for the genus on this island. In this study Pseudoconyza viscosa is described. A distribution map, line drawings and photographs of this species are also provided.


本文報導臺灣南部低海拔地區新記錄菊科植物-毛假蓬舅 (Pseudoconyza viscosa (Mill.) D’Arcy)。假蓬舅屬 (Pseudoconyza Cuatrec.) 為臺灣新記錄屬,本文描述此一新記錄植物,並提供線繪圖、照片及分布圖。

Keyword: Pseudoconyza viscosa, Asteraceae, Taiwan. 毛假蓬舅、菊科、臺灣。

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