
The New Geographical Distribution of Rust Fungi from Taiwan

Wen-Hsin Chung, Yoshitsuka Ono, Makoto Kakishima, Jenn-Wen Haung

Published on: September 2009

Page: 279 - 282

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(3).279


In the field studies undertaken in central and southern Taiwan during 2003 to 2007, over 250 rust specimens were collected. Among these specimens, Nyssopsora thwaitesii on Schefflera arboricola (Araliaceae), Goplana dioscoreae on Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae), Puccinia fusispora on Urtica thunbergiana (Urticaceae), P. paullula on Raphidophora sp. (Araceae) and Pucciniastrum potentillae on Fragaria hayatai (Rosaceae) were found as new geographic distribution records.


自2003 到2007 年於臺灣中南部進行田間調查,蒐集超過250 個銹菌標本。其中寄生於五加科鵝掌藤之Nyssopsora thwaitesii、山羊百科薯蕷屬之Goplana dioscoreae、蕁麻科咬人貓之Puccinia fusispora、天南科黃金葛屬之P. paullula 及薔薇科臺灣草莓之Pucciniastrum potentillae,被鑑定為地理新紀錄種。

Keyword: Taiwan, Rust, Araliaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Urticaceae, Araceae, Rosaceae. 銹菌、五加科、山羊百科、蕁麻科、天南科、薔薇科。

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