Lysimachia candida Lindl. (Primulaceae), an Extinct Species and also a New Record Species to Taiwan
T. Y. Aleck Yang, Alisa Grabovskaya, Irina Illarionova and Chih-Hsiung Chen
Published on: 12 December 2012
Page: 434 - 442
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57.434
During our Co-sponsored Project with the Herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, we investigated the S. Yano’s specimens collected in Taiwan from 1896 to 1897. Among those of more than 400 specimens, we have found one Lysimachia that might be a new taxon to Taiwan. After literature surveying and examining the related specimens in several herbaria in Taiwan, this specimen was identified as L. candida Lindl., and was recognized to be a new record species to Taiwan. The species is also believed to be extinct since the earlier 1900s. This report gives taxonomic descriptions and palynological characters. A key for the species of the genus Lysimachia in Taiwan is also provided to facilitate identification.
本文記錄一報春花科(Primulaceae)珍珠菜屬(Lysimachia)在臺灣已經滅絕的物種: 澤珍珠菜(L. candida Lindl.),然本種同時也是臺灣的新記錄種植物。由於執行臺俄合作 計畫發現日籍植物採集者矢野勢吉郎(S. Yano),在1896-1897年間採自臺灣臺北的植物 標本,經鑑定後確定是臺灣新記錄種,比對過標本館標本與文獻資料,認為本種已經在臺 灣絕跡。文中除了對本種有分類學描述、花粉學特徵外,並附本屬在臺灣之檢索表。
Keyword: Lysimachia candida, new record extinct, Primulaceae, palynology, taxonomy, S. Yano, Taiwan.