Research Paper

The Pteridophyta of Taiwan-6 Hymenophyllaceae: Hymenophyllum

Charles E. DeVol

Published on: June 1970

Page: 271 - 299

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1970.15.271


In a previous issue of TAIWANIA I discussed the Trichomanes (sensu late) of Taiwan (DeVol, 1968;89-132). This paper is a continuation of the study of the Hymenophyllaceae. Copeland divided the genus Hymenophyllum into 9 subgenera (1937:14), and in 1938 he revised his work and raised his subgenera to genera, recognizing 14 genera. Three of his genera are represented on Taiwan: we have 2 and possibly 3 species of Hymenophyllum, at least 5 species of Meringium and 7 or more species of Mecodium. The differences between these subgenera are not great. They have much in common and do not show the marked differences that are noted in the subgenera of Trichomanes (sensu late). Hundreds of species of Hymenophyllum have been described and since our study primarily deals with the Taiwan species, it is evident that we are only working with a very small segment of this large genus and therefore some of our observations may not hold good for the entire genus.

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