Research Paper

A New Genus of Himalayan Caprifoliaceae

Prashant K. Pusalkar

Published on: 15 September 2011

Page: 210 - 217

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(3).210


A group of Sino-Himalayan species characterized by actinomorphic corolla, without (honey-storing) lateral saccate gibbosity, 5 nectaries, anthers as long as or longer than included filaments and flat or carinate leaf vernation, is separated from Lonicera L. and described here as a new genus, Devendraea Pusalkar under the family Caprifoliaceae.


一群分布於中國-喜馬拉雅區域的忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)物種,因具有輻射對稱的花冠、5個蜜腺、等長或較長的花絲,以及平坦或隆起的葉芽,但無(儲存蜜的)側囊狀突起等特徵,可以與忍冬屬(Lonicera)植物區別,從該屬分出而成為新屬 – Devendraea Pusalkar。本文描述此新屬。

Keyword: Caprifoliaceae, Devendraea, Himalaya, Lonicera, new genus.忍冬科、Devendraea、喜馬拉雅、忍冬屬、新屬。

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