Research Paper

Records of Ranunculus longicaulis and R. pseudohirculus (Ranunculaceae) from Nepal

Andrey S. Erst and Alexander P. Sukhorukov

Published on: 15 September 2011

Page: 218 - 222

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(3).218


The records of Ranunculus longicaulis and R. pseudohirculus are cited from Nepal. Both species were earlier identified as R. pulchellus. The key for delimitation as well as taxonomic notes of these three species are provided. Some populations from Central Asia and Himalayas differ in pubescence details and morphometry.


本文報導於尼泊爾之長莖毛茛(Ranunculus longicaulis)及R. pseudohirculus此二物種的紀錄;這二個種物因早期被鑑定為美麗毛茛(R. pulchellus)而忽略。本文提供鑑別此三物種的檢索表和分類資訊;並發現其部分分布於中亞及喜馬拉雅區域的族群,在其柔毛的細微構造上和形態上有所差異。

Keyword: Nepal, Ranunculus, taxonomy.尼泊爾、毛茛屬、分類學。

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