
Remarks on the Species of Gomphrena (Amaranthaceae) of Taiwan

Shih-Huei Chen and Yi-Ching Li

Published on: 13 September 2012

Page: 312 - 317

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57(3).312


Gomphrena serrata, an Amaranthaceous species of tropical origin, was recently found naturalized in disturbed sites of Taiwan. This species has been confused with G. celosioides, widespread on this island. The present study gives a key and useful characters to differentiate the present species from the latter. A taxonomic treatment of the two species in Taiwan, line drawings and other relevant information are provided.


短穗假千日紅(Gomphrena serrata L.)(新擬中名)為新歸化台灣的莧科植物,本種常與假千日紅(G. celosioides Mart.)混淆。本文描述兩種之分類性狀、分佈與生長環境,並提供外形解剖圖幅及檢索表以做比較。

Keyword: Gomphrena, Gomphrena celosioides, Gomphrena serrata, naturalized plant, Taiwan, taxonomy, weed.

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