Notes on the Wiesnerella denudata (Mitt.) Steph. (Wiesnerellaceae, Hepaticae) in Taiwan
Shing-Fan Huang, Chih-Hsun Chang, Chu-Chuan Liu and Yi-Ping Chiu
Published on: 13 September 2012
Page: 318 - 321
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57(3).318
Description and photos of main characters of Wiesnerella denudata (Mitt.) Steph. in Taiwan are provided. Sequence of chloroplast DNA rbcL and SEM photos of spores and elaters from Taiwan’s material are provided for the first time, which can be compared with materials from adjacent areas to show variation of the species. Three substitutions were found between plants of Taiwan and Nepal in rbcL sequences. Three morphological characters of spores are differentiated between the plants of Taiwan and mainland China. Spores are smaller in Taiwanese plant, 34-38 against 78.3-86.1 μm in diameter. Spore equatorial belt does not have any opening in Taiwan’s plant, but three openings are described in plant from mainland China. Exine is reticulate throughout the spore in Taiwanese plant, but it is restricted to the proximal surface of spore in plant from mainland China.
本文除描述台灣產魏氏蘚之外部特徵,提供主要特徵之圖片以供鑑定外,主要目的在比對台灣產本種的葉綠體rbcL基因序列,並提供孢子,彈絲的掃瞄式電子顯微鏡相片及他們的描述,以與中國大陸之種類比對。結果發現台灣產的rbcL基因序列與尼伯爾產的序列有三個替代突變差異。台灣產的孢子則有三個特徵與中國大陸者不同:前者孢子較小,直徑34-38μm 對比後者78.3-86.1μm 長;赤道環帶無開口對比後者具有三個開口;前者外壁全部為網狀,對比後者之網狀僅限於近極面。
Keyword: Elater, liverwort, rbcL, SEM, spore, Taiwan, Wiesnerella denudate.