Research Paper

Centratherum punctatum Cass. Ssp. Fruticosum, A Newly Naturalized Sunflower Species in Taiwan

Shih-Huei Chen, Ming-Jou Wu and Sz-Ming Li

Published on: June 1999

Page: 299 - 305

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(2).299


Centratherum punctatum Cass. Ssp. Fruticosum, originally native to the Philippines, was recently found naturalized in ruderal sites of northern and eastern Taiwan. It represents a new record for both the species and the genus on this island. The present study provided taxonomic description, line drawings and other relevant information.


菲律賓鈕扣花(Centratherum punctatum Cass. Ssp. Fruticosum (Vidal) Kirkman) 屬於菊科之鈕扣花屬(新擬中名),菲律賓原產,近年發現分佈於台灣東部及北部之廢棄地,為台灣植物誌增添一屬。本文描述其分類特徵、分佈及相關分類報導,並提供植物外形及解剖圖以供辨識。 關鍵詞:菊科,菲律賓鈕扣花,植物分佈,台灣植物誌,分類學。

Keyword: Asteraceae, Centratherum punctatum ssp. Fruticosum, Distribution, Flora of Taiwan, Taxonomy.

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