Research Paper

Staurogyne debilis (T. Anders.) C. B. Clarke (Acanthaceae) in Taiwan

Chang-Fu Hsieh, Jenn-Che Wang and Chun-Neng Wang

Published on: June 1999

Page: 306 - 310

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(2).306


Staurogyne debilis (T. Anders.) C. B. Clarke (Acanthaceae) is a common species in the Philippines. It is here reported for the first time from the Nanjenshan Nature Reserve in the southernmost of Taiwan. Taxonomic description, habitat information, a line drawing of the species, and a key to the Taiwanese species of Staurogyne are provided.


菲律賓哈哼花(Staurogyne debilis (T. Anders.) C. B. Clarke)為爵床科(Acanthaceae)之植物,原廣汎分佈於菲律賓群島,如呂宋、巴拉望、岷答那峨、撒瑪、岷多祿等諸島。臺灣首次發現於南部恆春半島南仁山保護區內,位於以殼斗科、八角茴香科、樟科、冬青科、茶科、茜草科等為優勢的常綠闊葉林下,以隱蔽溪澗旁居多。菲律賓哈哼花與分佈於台灣北部之哈哼花極易區別,前者具直立莖,而後者莖極短,葉基生;此外前者之葉片以長橢圓形居多,而後者為倒披針形。本文詳細描述菲律賓哈哼花之形態特徵、生育地狀況,並附其手繪圖及屬之檢索表。對臺灣而言,此新記錄種再度說明恆春半島為熱帶起源植物北移的邊際地帶。 關鍵字:菲律賓哈哼花,爵床科,植物分類學,南仁山,臺灣。

Keyword: Staurogyne debilis, Acanthaceae, Taxonomy, Nanjenshan, Taiwan.

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