Research Paper

Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (34)-Trigonella hamosa Forssk. (Leguminosae)

Ming-Jou Wu and Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: September 1999

Page: 376 - 383

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(3).376


Trigonella hamosa Forssk., a legume species, was recently found in eastern Taiwan. It represents a new generic record to the flora of Taiwan. The present study gives a taxonomic description, illustrations and SEM micrographies of pollen grains and seeds.


彎果胡蘆巴(新擬中名)Trigonella hamosa L. 為豆科植物,新近發現於臺灣東部,為臺灣植物誌增添一屬。本文提供本種之分類特徵描述、繪圖與花粉粒及種子之掃描式電子顯微鏡照片。 關鍵詞:豆科、花粉形態、種子形態、臺灣、分類學、彎果胡蘆巴。

Keyword: Leguminosae, Pollen morphology, Seed morphology, Taiwan, Taxonomy, Trigonella hamosa.

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