Research Paper
A Palynological Study of the Genus Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae) in Taiwan
Huey-Wen Lin and Tseng-Chieng Huang
Published on: September 1999
Page: 384 - 403
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(3).384
Pollen morphology of 18 Crotalaria taxa in Taiwan was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Anthers of Crotalaria are dimorphic, but pollen from the different types of anthers within a particular species is indistinguishable. Among the 18 species, five pollen types can be distinguished based on exine ornamentation. However, all species have the same exine stratification, and their interstitia are columellate. The overall pollen variation in Crotalaria species examined is small, making pollen morphology a poor criterion for identifying particular species of this genus in Taiwan.
臺灣產野百合屬植物花粉皆為三溝孔粒,無論從光學顯微鏡或掃描式電子顯微鏡來看,不僅同一種植物之兩型花藥所含花粉形態相近,種間之花粉形態亦無太大差異,然而,依據外壁紋飾,仍可區分為下列幾個類型。第I類型:溝間區之外壁紋飾為細穿孔紋,愈接近溝緣,孔徑漸小,至溝緣處則平滑無紋;極區紋飾為稀疏細穿孔紋,近於平滑;蓋基間層顯著柱狀,基層顯著,如黃野百合。第II類型:溝間區之外壁紋飾為細穿孔狀,愈接近溝緣,孔徑漸小,至溝緣處則平滑無紋;極區紋飾與溝間區相同;蓋基間層顯著柱狀,基層顯著,如圓葉野百合。第III類型:溝間區之外壁紋飾為溝紋至散條紋,極區紋飾為稀疏細穿孔紋;蓋基間層柱狀,與蓋頂層相等厚度或較薄;基層顯著,如披針葉豬屎豆。第IV類型:溝間區之外壁紋飾為圓孔狀,愈接近溝緣,孔徑漸小,至溝緣處則平滑無紋;極區紋飾為細穿孔紋;蓋基間層柱狀,基層顯著,如恆春野百合。第V類型:溝間區之外壁紋飾為網狀,愈接近溝緣,網眼漸小,在溝緣附近,並有少許細穿孔紋;極區紋飾與溝間區相同;蓋基間層柱狀,基層顯著,如雙子野百合。 關鍵詞:野百合屬,花粉型態,臺灣。
Keyword: Crotalaria, Pollen morphology, Taiwan.